Saturday 15 March 2014


Hi Everyone,
                   My name is Elizabeth Pennington and I'm a 17 year old actress living near the city of Liverpool. I wanted to create a blog to better keep up to date with what's happening in my life.... I can tell you that lots are.

About Me (in a nutshell)
I was born 4 months premature, weighing 600 grams (1lb 5oz) NOT A JOKE A ASSURE YOU!
I began acting at the age of 13 after I took part in a reconstruction of Titanic while in a drama class at my school and I've been hooked ever since!
I also have 5 lovely, but slightly crazy ferrets.... Smudge, Kipper, Poppy, Akikki and Moswen (African names, don't ask)

I am also applying to drama school in September and thought that it would be a good idea to share with you my thoughts and feelings and any tips and advice that I can offer you.

Lots of Love,

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