Friday 25 April 2014

Day 2 - Live Below the Line

Day 2: Live Below the Line

So I'm on Day 2 of my 'Live Below the Line' challenge and I have to admit, I feel great! This challenge has already taught me how lucky I am just to do something as simple to as going to a cupboard and getting food... Many millions across the world today do not have that luxury.

My breakfast, lunch and dinner today was a single jacket potato (no butter, no fillings. NOTHING) to be perfectly honest, I wasn't exactly excited about this... But then I remember something that my friend Tom Hiddleston said and it suddenly change my outlook:

"It really brings home the effects of hunger in a very real way. What's so humbling is that there are millions of men, women and children who don't have a choice and there is no five night end to their hunger, the hunger just continues for their entire lives."

My hunger is only temporary, this time next week, I will be able to eat normally again. I have now begun to think and feel differently about the world. I have learn to appreciate what I do in fact have and the many opportunities that have helped to shape me into the person I am today.

Best Wishes,
Elizabeth Pennington

Thursday 24 April 2014

Day 1 - Live Below the Line

Hi Everyone,
                                                                                                                                                           Today is my first day of 'Living Below the Line' as part of raising money for UNICEF. The challenge is to live for just £1 per day of food/ water for 5 days. I'll point out that this challenge is not about starvation or myself loosing any weight. It is simply about trying to gain a greater appreciation for what many of us in this country have.
At the moment, I'm feeling positive, but I know that this challenge will not be easy. Living off 1 meal a day is not something that have experienced before. Overall, I hope that this will be a rewarding and invaluable experience. I heard on the news yesterday about a recent conflict that has erupted in Niger (West Africa) and was shocked by the further millions of people who continue to go hungry and will again today go without food or clean water.....
Best Wishes for now,
Elizabeth Pennington

Tuesday 22 April 2014

I IMPLORE EVERYONE TO WATCH 'Dallas Buyers Club' it's one of the most beautiful film's I've ever seen...                                                                                                                                                 Best Wishes, Elizabeth Pennington

Wednesday 9 April 2014


Hi Everyone!                                                How are you all? I've been receiving some lovely comments about the blogs and I'm thrilled that you're enjoying reading each of the posts.                       EXCITING NEWS: I found out yesterday that I'm going to be an extra in a film next year with Brendan Gleeson (Mad-Eye Moody in the Harry Potter films) and Michael Fassbender. Shooting begins early 2015, and I can't wait! Thank you to everyone for your support.                                           Best Wishes,                                Elizabeth Pennington