Wednesday 2 July 2014

Nepal Fundraising Page

Hi Everyone,
I hope you're well? As well as acting, I'm hugely passionate about humanitarian work and have been for many years. So, I'm determined to turn my ambition into a reality by heading to Chitwan, rural Nepal next year for 12 weeks (if I don't get into drama school) I'll be working in an orphanage and travelling with an organisation called RCDP. All of the money that is raised goes directly to the project and the host family that I will stay with. A truly worthy cause.

In order to travel to Nepal, I'll need to raise a total of £500 (as a starting point) by donations, fundraising and sponsorship. I would really appreciate any donations that you can make and it can be as little or as much as you wish.

All I will say to you is thank you!

You can donate online now, just go to this address:

Friday 25 April 2014

Day 2 - Live Below the Line

Day 2: Live Below the Line

So I'm on Day 2 of my 'Live Below the Line' challenge and I have to admit, I feel great! This challenge has already taught me how lucky I am just to do something as simple to as going to a cupboard and getting food... Many millions across the world today do not have that luxury.

My breakfast, lunch and dinner today was a single jacket potato (no butter, no fillings. NOTHING) to be perfectly honest, I wasn't exactly excited about this... But then I remember something that my friend Tom Hiddleston said and it suddenly change my outlook:

"It really brings home the effects of hunger in a very real way. What's so humbling is that there are millions of men, women and children who don't have a choice and there is no five night end to their hunger, the hunger just continues for their entire lives."

My hunger is only temporary, this time next week, I will be able to eat normally again. I have now begun to think and feel differently about the world. I have learn to appreciate what I do in fact have and the many opportunities that have helped to shape me into the person I am today.

Best Wishes,
Elizabeth Pennington

Thursday 24 April 2014

Day 1 - Live Below the Line

Hi Everyone,
                                                                                                                                                           Today is my first day of 'Living Below the Line' as part of raising money for UNICEF. The challenge is to live for just £1 per day of food/ water for 5 days. I'll point out that this challenge is not about starvation or myself loosing any weight. It is simply about trying to gain a greater appreciation for what many of us in this country have.
At the moment, I'm feeling positive, but I know that this challenge will not be easy. Living off 1 meal a day is not something that have experienced before. Overall, I hope that this will be a rewarding and invaluable experience. I heard on the news yesterday about a recent conflict that has erupted in Niger (West Africa) and was shocked by the further millions of people who continue to go hungry and will again today go without food or clean water.....
Best Wishes for now,
Elizabeth Pennington

Tuesday 22 April 2014

I IMPLORE EVERYONE TO WATCH 'Dallas Buyers Club' it's one of the most beautiful film's I've ever seen...                                                                                                                                                 Best Wishes, Elizabeth Pennington

Wednesday 9 April 2014


Hi Everyone!                                                How are you all? I've been receiving some lovely comments about the blogs and I'm thrilled that you're enjoying reading each of the posts.                       EXCITING NEWS: I found out yesterday that I'm going to be an extra in a film next year with Brendan Gleeson (Mad-Eye Moody in the Harry Potter films) and Michael Fassbender. Shooting begins early 2015, and I can't wait! Thank you to everyone for your support.                                           Best Wishes,                                Elizabeth Pennington

Saturday 22 March 2014


Hi Everyone!
                    I think one of the biggest tests of any young person wanting to go into the creative industry is trying to juggle your passion with your education.

Education has also been very important to me and I realise now that dropping out of college or school to pursue acting is not a wise decision, not natter how much I really want it. There have been many stories, many involving actors and actresses whom I admire greatly; from Hilary Swank to Keira Knightley, who left school at 16 to pursue acting full time. Now, unless your parents or family members are in the industry and/or you're lucky enough to live in London or LA then fantastic! For me, this is not an option....

Also, another big 'problem' that really angers me actually is how young people say that they want to become actors or musician's but when asked why they say "because I want to be famous!" Now the best piece of advice that I can give you (which is taken from James McAvoy, who I've met so he won't mind  is...)

"Really decide if you want to be an actor and tell stories or if you want to be famous, because there are easier ways of becoming famous."  

So, there's my life motto/mantra for you all! Have a lovely weekend.
Lots of love,

Saturday 15 March 2014


Here's a recent article that I found concerning a project I'm working on in the next few months. 'HighRise' will be directed by the very talented Ben Wheatley (the man currently behind 'Doctor Who') and starring the stunning Tom Hiddleston.

'HighRise' is a Distopian Sci-fi novel written by J.G.Ballard about a group of residents living in a high-rise block of flats in a Thatcher Britain. The building is divided by class literally meaning the lower class are on the lower levels of the building and the upper class on the upper levels and so on. With tensions running high within the building, violence soon erupts and society begins to breakdown....

Shooting begins in June in London. More information coming soon.

Best Wishes,


Hi Everyone,
                   My name is Elizabeth Pennington and I'm a 17 year old actress living near the city of Liverpool. I wanted to create a blog to better keep up to date with what's happening in my life.... I can tell you that lots are.

About Me (in a nutshell)
I was born 4 months premature, weighing 600 grams (1lb 5oz) NOT A JOKE A ASSURE YOU!
I began acting at the age of 13 after I took part in a reconstruction of Titanic while in a drama class at my school and I've been hooked ever since!
I also have 5 lovely, but slightly crazy ferrets.... Smudge, Kipper, Poppy, Akikki and Moswen (African names, don't ask)

I am also applying to drama school in September and thought that it would be a good idea to share with you my thoughts and feelings and any tips and advice that I can offer you.

Lots of Love,